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Jóhanna Boga
Myndlistarmaður - Artist - Painter
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Málverk 2008 / Paintings 2008
With fire and ice 150 x 200cm, 1996-2004
Existence with water 110 x 140 cm / Tilvera með vatni 2007
The ways of the ocean II 200 x 150 cm / Á vegum hafsins II 2008
The ways of the ocean I 200 x 150 cm / Á vegum hafsins I 2008
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Um listamanninn / About the artist
Jóhanna Bogadóttir
Born in Iceland. Studied in Sweden and France. Exhibited in many places around the world the last decades. Has worked on many different projects and written articles about life and art.
Contact: jboga[at]
CV á íslensku
Greinar / Articles in Icelandic
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Blog Archive
Málverk 2008 / Paintings 2008
Krítarverk / Pastel drawings
Eldri málverk / Older paintings
Artist statement - In spite of the sunshine
Tvær sýningar Jóhönnu Bogadóttur á Siglufirði
C.V. íslenska